A Pool Elephants Can Swim In (May 14th)

by Steve Brown
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
Matthew 10:29–30

I lived during the Jesus movement. That was an awakening that was as great as those occurring under the ministries of George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards. And it was a wonderful time. I didn’t know what to do with all those kids who were coming into our church, getting baptized and going out with a joy that was infectious, a freedom that scared the spit out of so many other Christians. Those kinds of things only last a generation or two, and we’re running out of gasoline. I’ve said, “Oh God, it would be really cool if I could hang around and see You do it one more time. Do it again. Do it again.” And He is.
You may be a part of the beginning of something that is going to shake America to its roots. You don’t have a thing to defend; you don’t have anything to fake. You’re announcing to the world that you’re screwed up and Jesus likes you a lot. That dog will hunt, and I’m so glad to be a part of it.
Not too long ago, I was working on this material and it was very early in the morning. And I was thinking about the subject “everyday grace.” What in the world am I going to say about everyday grace? At that moment, my elbow hit a glass of water on my desk and knocked it over. The water fell on writing, on my computer keyboard, and on my pants before the glass fell to the floor. I looked like I needed Depends. So what did I do? I kicked that glass across my office. I picked up the papers and threw them in the air and said words that ought never proceed from the mouth of an ordained individual. And in the middle of my cussing and my spitting and drying myself off, I heard laughter. Nobody gets up as early as I do, so I knew it wasn’t staff. It was angels.
And I found a principle there that I want to teach you: if you don’t live in God’s grace when you spill water, you won’t live in God’s grace when you get cancer. This is not a doctrine so much as it is life.

Thought to Remember for Today

If grace doesn’t work when you go to the bathroom, it won’t work with your sin. If it doesn’t work when you’re making love to your wife or your husband, it won’t work when your life falls apart. Grace is a pool where elephants can swim and children can play. It has to do with reading a good book and going to a movie and falling on your knees in repentance and rejoicing in worship. Grace isn’t just a doctrine; it’s a 24-7 context for living.

Fitzpatrick, E. (2016). Grace untamed: a 60-day devotional. Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook.

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