March 2020

Water Batism Q&A

Why should I get baptized?

When you accept Jesus as Savior and believe that He died for the forgiveness of your sins, it is something that happens inside of you. No one can see it, but it is real. Water baptism makes it visible by acting out what has happen in your heart. (John1:29-34)

Who should be baptized?

Jesus commanded that all who believe in Him and accept His gift of salvation should be baptized. (Matthew 28:16-20)

When should I be baptized?

Baptism should follow the decision to accept Christ as soon as is reasonably possible. One should not wait until you have grown to a certain level, but right at the beginning of spiritual life. (Acts 2:37-41)

How should I be baptized?

We practice immersion (being placed completely under water as opposed to sprinkling or pouring) because we feel that it best illustrates the meaning of dying to self and rising to new life in Christ. (Romans 6:1-4)

What should I do if I have already been baptized?

If you were baptized (sprinkled) as a child that was an expression of your parents' faith in God to protect you and bless them as they raised you. Immersion as a believer later in life is simply a confirmation of your parents' faith.

If you were baptized before coming to genuine faith in Christ, you should be baptized again. If you were baptized as an act of genuine faith, but have backslidden (not lived out your faith in a consistent manner), you should not be baptized again, but simply repent and turn back to the Christ in Whom you have believed. (Acts 8:26-39)

What will baptism do for me?

Baptism will not make you a spiritual giant. You may not even feel any difference after being baptized. What it will do is serve as an Important beginning point for spiritual growth as you continue to submit to God's will for your life as symbolized in your baptism. It will also make you accountable to the church as a family of faith who will love and pray for you. (Acts 16:29-36,40)